Recognized for “original regional coverage and literary merit” by the New York Public Library, award-winning Portland Magazine is proud to publish some of the finest magazine features and short fiction on the market today. 

We buy First North American Serial Rights and repeat internet rights into perpetuity as part of online archiving.

We pay on publication; please ensure your manuscript has your complete name, address, email, and telephone numbers.

Our target audience is our 100,000 readers, ages 18-90. We write for our readers alone, and while we’re delighted when interview subjects enjoy our stories in print, we are not writing for them but only for our readers. We love extraordinary perspective and fresh images. 

We match our story content to the time of year it will appear. We try to impose a story arc on even the shortest magazine articles, and we like to bring in all five senses. 

Our magazine features are written in the present tense, with speaker attributions in the present tense. We vastly prefer live quotes to paraphrase. It is our job to get quotes from impossible-to-get subjects—why try for less?

In matters of style, please follow the Chicago Manual of Style (we use a comma before the conjunction in a series, as in “red, white,  and blue”). Please skip only one space after a period. Contractions are fine, but all names of states, months, days, and numbers below 10 should be spelled out.

All manuscripts should be thoroughly spell-checked; it is the writer’s responsibility to ensure all proper nouns and dates cited are correct as well.

Consider carefully before you submit your story to us, because WE CANNOT ACCEPT FOLLOW-UP SUBMISSIONS OR CHANGES. We must receive the complete fact-checked and spell-checked manuscript, with nothing pending.

We reserve the unrestricted right to edit your story.

Dare to astonish our readers! We look forward to working with you.


John Irving, Sebastian Junger, Anita Shreve, Annie Proulx, Marguerite Yourcenar, Rick Moody, Mameve Medwed, Frederick Barthelme, John Buffalo Mailer, Tomislav Longinovic, Louis Simpson, C. D. B. Bryan, Janwillem van de Wetering, Diane Lefer, Michael C. White, Jack Driscoll, Tess Gerritsen, Ann Hood, Stephen King...

Established in 1985 and recognized for “original regional coverage and literary merit” by the New York Public Library, award-winning Portland Magazine is proud to publish some of the finest short fiction, interviews, and nonfiction on the market today.

We buy First North American Serial Rights and repeat internet rights into perpetuity as part of online archiving.

All manuscripts sent to us should be thoroughly spell-checked before submission; it is the writer’s responsibility to ensure all proper nouns and any dates cited are correct as well.

In matters of style, please follow the Chicago Manual of Style (we use a comma before the conjunction in a series, as in “red, white, and blue”). Please skip only one space after a period. All names of states, months, and days should be spelled out. Contractions are fine, and spell out numbers below 10.

We pay on publication; please ensure your manuscript has your complete name, address, email, and telephone numbers.

Consider carefully before you submit your story to us, because WE CANNOT ACCEPT FOLLOW-UP SUBMISSIONS OR CHANGES, no matter how tantalizing they may seem. We must only receive the complete fact-checked and spell-checked manuscript, with nothing pending.

Our target audience is our 100,000 readers, ages 18-90. Fiction submissions should not be above 1,000 words. Nonfiction features and interviews should not be above 1,500 words.

We love extraordinary perspective, as well as fresh images. Dare to astonish our readers at Portland Magazine. We look forward to working with you.

To read sample stories, visit

Portland Magazine